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Monday, January 4, 2016

Back to Work

With the beginning of the New Year and it being a Monday, we all experienced the same thing: getting back to work. And with that, Natasha was off with me to my realty office and to meet pretty much the entire company since it was the first business meeting of the year. Many thanks to grandma Cheryl for watching over the Legion of Doom aka Weston, Remy & Ky since Marine also was off with clients for the day.

Natasha went over very well with all of the fellow agents in the office. It was a great way for her to be exposed to what a business-like culture looks like in the states and to introduce herself. She was bubbly, happy and kept trying to steal my coffee. Bad Natasha! She got to hang out with some of the other agents and see what I did for a living (which to her, probably looked waaaay boring). But the alternative was to sit at home with the kiddos and play referee all day.

At one point, Marine popped into the office and we decided that he would interview Natasha for a blog post on our business page. It was pretty funny watching her as she kept hearing her name bandied about between Marine and I while we discussed what type of questions to ask of her. When informed that she would be in front of a camera, a very clear “NO” came out of her several times. She was so cute! She actually thought she had a choice! But in all seriousness, she did a great job, she had a great attitude and it looked like Marine had a lot of fun pretty much talking the entire time. 

Overall, it was another good day. Natasha and Hailey helped (ie made dinner again) for everyone and we had some good moments together bonding over Facebook late in the night. 

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